The Self-Employed Occupation Permit is ideal for a freelancer wishing to relocate to a tropical jurisdiction with reliable telecommunication networks. Beyond the possibility to pursue an active lifestyle, it also provides the opportunity to provide professional services to both local and international clients.
A Self-Employed is defined as a non-citizen engaged in a professional activity under the services sector only and registered with the Registrar of Businesses under the Business Registration Act 2002.
A Self-Employed should operate a one-person business activity, working exclusively for his/her own account.
A Self-Employed should make an initial transfer of USD 35,000 or its equivalent in freely convertible foreign currency at the time of issuance of the OP to his/her local bank account in Mauritius. The validity of the Self Employed Occupation permit is 10 years and is it is renewable. For renewal, the business activity should generate a business income of 800,000 rupees per year as from the third year of registration.