Retirement in Mauritius as from 50 years old
Retirement in Mauritius is the best choice if you are 50 years or older.
Mauritius is blessed with warm and conducive weather for 8 months of the year, along with a peaceful and harmonious environment and an ever-improving infrastructure and competitive cost of living, making it a remarkable place to retire.
With only 1500 USD monthly, you can benefit from a 10-year residence permit and live in a peaceful environment. The residency permit also gives you the opportunity to apply for a 20-year permanent residency after three consecutive years provided that you have transferred annually USD18,000.
Retirees who do not have citizenship can purchase a residential property or the life rights to a housing unit in an approved project. There is no minimum purchase price, and the non-citizen may apply for residency for himself and his spouse or common-law partner until the property is no longer owned or occupied by the retiree.
Retired Non-Citizens may also invest in businesses, without deriving a salary or actively managing the business.
Once a retired non-citizen has obtained his/her Occupation/Residence Permit, he/she may also apply for a residence permit for his dependents namely;
- spouse (including Common Law Partner of the opposite sex)
- parents
- children including stepchildren or lawfully adopted children who are unmarried and not engaged in any gainful activity.
The residence permit of the dependents will last as long as your OP is valid, but they may switch anytime to another OP if they require employment in Mauritius.