Occupation Permit as an Investor

Mauritius offers a conducive business environment and a wealth of lifestyle benefits to foreigners looking for a stable investment location. Considering the global economic and social situation, important incentives have been introduced in terms of investment threshold and time frame of approval to provide greater foresight, comfort and convenience to the investment community.

Mauritius has over the years transformed into a well-diversified and broad-based economy and is now open for investment in over 13 main sectors of activity.

  • Agro-industry
  • Creative Industry
  • Ocean Economy
  • Education
  • Renewable energy and Green Economy
  • Financial Services
  • Freeport and Logistics
  • Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals
  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Lifesciences
  • Manufacturing Industry
  • Real Estate and Retail
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Sports Economy

Under the Immigration Act, an Investor means: a person who is not a citizen of Mauritius, an association or body of persons, whether corporate or incorporate, the control or management of which is vested in persons who are not citizens of Mauritius and registered as such with the Economic Development Board.

An investor is eligible to apply for an Occupation Permit under the following options:

Option 1 (Normal):

An initial transfer of USD 50,000 or its equivalent in freely convertible currency in the bank account of the company under which the application will be made.

Option 2 (Net Asset Value):

Net asset value of at least USD 50,000 or its equivalent in freely convertible foreign currency, for existing businesses and businesses inherited and a cumulative turnover of at least 12 million rupees during the 3 years preceding the application.

Option 3 (High Technology Machines & Equipment):

An initial investment of USD 50,000 or its equivalent in freely convertible currency, of which:

a. a minimum transfer of at least USD 25,000 to the bank account of the company under which the application will be made and,

b. the equivalent of the remaining value in high technology machines and equipment, subject to such criteria as the Chief Executive Officer may determine, such as:

i. The high technology machines and equipment will be evaluated based on the invoice issued by the supplier and a report from a recognized Chartered Valuator in the country of origin.

ii. In case the high technology machines and equipment is yet to be shipped to Mauritius, the investor should submit the bill of lading to the Occupation Permit Unit at time of submission of the application.

iii. Investment in high technology machines and equipment must be in a qualifying activity including but not limited to agro-industry, aquaculture, healthcare, ICT-BPO, fin-tech, life sciences, biotechnology, manufacturing, ocean economy and renewable energy.

iv. Investor for innovative start-ups

Foreign nationals are eligible to apply for an innovator OP under the following 2 options:

Option 1: No minimum investment required and submission of an innovative project to the Economic Development Board.

Option 2: Registered with an incubator accredited with the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council.


i. The business plan should clearly depict all expenditures related to R&D activities.

ii. The scheme applies to companies conducting R&D in qualifying sectors including but not limited to life and health sciences, technology, ICT, fintech, biotechnology, nano technology, light manufacturing, pharmaceuticals and design.

iii. The R&D expense component should constitute of at least 20% of total operational expenditure during the research phase.

The following costs may qualify as Research and Development:

i. Direct R&D staff costs;
ii. Subcontracted R&D costs;
iii. Externally provided R&D staff;
iv. Clinical trial volunteer costs;
v. Prototypes;
vi. Software directly used in R&D;
vii. Consumable items;
viii. Any other expenditure deemed to have been incurred with the prospect of gaining new scientific or technical knowledge and understanding.