Invest in Mauritius

Mauritius is one of the Indian Ocean’s and Sub – Saharan Africa’s most attractive developing nations thanks to investment and entrepreneurship. The country’s economy has been flourishing steadily resulting in attracting investors.

Mauritius is considered as one of the preferred investment destinations due to its favorable geographic location as a true crossroads between Asia and Africa. It’s favorable international treaties also help to access the European and American markets.

Mauritius has become a focal point for fiscal policy, good governance, ethics, visibility, and political and economic freedom because of its strategy focused on best practices. The nation has one of the world best foreign investment climates because of a clear, well defined investment law and legislative framework.

The government provides a 10–year Occupation Permit as value investing incentive through various form of investment in order to further expand the Mauritian market to investors and foreign expertise an with an aim to a long – term stability.